
Maryland Criminal & Immigration Lawyer Blog


What Happens Before Your Maryland Criminal Trial Can Be as Important to Your Success as What Happens During the Trial

In TV courtroom dramas, the critical moment in the case – the one that dramatically turns the case to expose the guilty party and ensure justice for all – almost always happens at or near the end of the actual trial. In real life, the “key” moment in your case…


Your Fundamental Right to a Jury Trial and What that Means for Your Maryland Criminal Case

When you are facing criminal charges in Maryland, you have several essential decisions you have to make. One of the most important of these is deciding whether your guilt or innocence will be decided by a jury or by a judge. (The former is called a jury trial and the…


All the Steps You Can Take to Clear Your Name in Maryland After the Court Strikes Its Finding of Guilt Against You

Once your criminal trial is over and you’ve been found guilty of a crime or crimes, that doesn’t mean that you’re out of options. To the contrary, there are potentially many different avenues available to you to better your circumstances. Even if you have no reasonable expectation of getting a…


How You Potentially Can Use a Witness’s Undocumented Immigration Status in Court to Strengthen Your Defense

Immigration, and particularly the issue of undocumented individuals, is very much a “hot button” issue these days. That is even true in civil and criminal trials, where a party in the case may seek to make an issue of a witness’s immigration status in order to diminish the witness in…


What Happens When the Judge Doesn’t Go Along with Your Maryland Plea Agreement?

You probably are familiar with the concept of plea bargains in criminal cases. What you may (or may not) know is that when the prosecution and defense reach a plea agreement, the judge isn’t obliged to follow the deal’s terms. So, even once you have worked out a plea deal…


How a Small Flaw in a Jury Instruction Allowed a Maryland Man to Get His Conviction Overturned

In science, there exists something called the “butterfly effect.” The butterfly effect involves circumstances in which a small change in an initial state can result in massive difference in a later state. The concept got its name from scientists who asked the question: can a massive storm in one part…


A Baltimore Man Receives a Second Chance After Getting Sentenced for a Crime that Should Have Been Merged

In any criminal case, there are varying forms of success. Obviously, the primary target the defendant seeks is an acquittal. However, even if the result of a trial is a conviction, there are still battles to be won, such as ensuring that your case does not result in you receiving…


The ‘Exclusionary Rule’ for Illegally Obtained Evidence and How It Can Help You in Your Maryland Criminal Trial

In this country and in this state, people are afforded certain rights, including the right to be free from being stopped by the police for no reason. That freedom is very important because, sometimes, a large amount of evidence that would otherwise be admissible in a criminal trial may be…


Maryland Court Decides that a Police Bodycam Video Was Inadmissible, Meaning that an Assault Defendant Was Entitled to a New Trial

One of the most important aspects of any defense in a criminal trial is successfully getting evidence that is not admissible under Maryland’s court rules excluded. Inadmissible evidence, particularly certain types of hearsay evidence, can potentially be damaging to your defense, which makes it extraordinarily important to keep that evidence…

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