
Maryland Criminal & Immigration Lawyer Blog


The State’s Reliance on Only an Anonymous 911 Tip Wasn’t Enough in a Baltimore Man’s Criminal Trial

Most people, including non-lawyers, are aware that the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. A non-lawyer, including even a very knowledgeable one, however, might not be aware of what a “Terry stop” is and what that phrase can potentially mean with regard to a…


Details Matter: Using the Specifics of a Maryland Statute to Avoid a Conviction for a Crime that Doesn’t Match the Facts of Your Case

Sometimes, in popular media, you might run across people who criticize the operation of the American justice system. They complain about accused people who avoid punishment due to what they think are “technicalities.” Sometimes, though, those issues aren’t minor technicalities at all; they are results of critical errors by the…


The ‘Missing Witness’ Jury Instruction and the Role it Can Play in Your Maryland Criminal Trial

As a defendant in a criminal trial, you have the right to testify or to forego testifying. You also have the right to call the witnesses whom you want and refrain from calling witnesses whom you don’t want on the stand. All of these decisions are made based upon carefully…


The Very High Importance of Proof of Legal Causation in a Maryland Criminal Case

A very famous television courtroom drama show once depicted an outraged Assistant District Attorney responding to a mass shooting with multiple deaths by prosecuting the men at the head of a gun manufacturing company for homicide. The jury returned a guilty verdict, but the trial judge threw out that verdict…


How the Rules of Evidence Can Help You Keep Some Damaging Testimony out of Your Maryland Criminal Trial

All criminal trials are governed by certain sets of rules. One of these sets is the rules of evidence. The rules of evidence can be extremely helpful to your case in the hands of a knowledgeable Maryland criminal defense attorney. These rules can be used to keep out evidence that…


Text Message Conversations Between Spouses are Generally Confidential Marital Communications, According to Maryland Court’s Ruling

Any criminal defendant should seek out strong defense counsel, but this need is especially true if you are facing charges likely to arouse powerful emotions and inflame passions. A skilled Maryland homicide defense attorney can help ensure that, even in the face of great community desire for retribution, the accused…


Questioning a Prosecution Witness in Maryland About a Plea Deal (or Expected Plea Deal) in His Own Criminal Case

If you watch TV courtroom dramas, you’ve probably seen the scenario:  the intrepid defense lawyer, on cross-examination, seeks to weaken the prosecution’s case by questioning the prosecution’s star witness about his motives:  namely, whether or not the witness negotiated a favorable plea deal in exchange for his testimony. While many…


How Erroneous Jury Instructions on a Maryland Murder Charge Can Taint an Entire Case and Lead to a Reversal of All Convictions

There are several different ways that a defendant can be convicted of murder in Maryland. One of these is for the state to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused committed intentional murder. An alternative avenue does not require the state to prove this level of intent. It only…


The Importance of ‘Batson Challenges’ in Jury Selection for Your Maryland Criminal Trial

Chances are, there are certain U.S. Supreme Court cases with which you’re familiar, even if you don’t realize that you are. If you’ve ever viewed TV police dramas, you’ve probably heard a character give a criminal suspect various instructions like, “You have the right to remain silent…” or “You have…

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