
Maryland Criminal & Immigration Lawyer Blog


Maryland Court Reviews Post-Conviction DNA Statute in Criminal Case

Among the many defenses a person can assert in a criminal case, evidence relating to DNA has gained increasing attention over recent years. Not only do people present DNA evidence throughout the course of their trials, but also cases have even been re-opened when relevant DNA evidence comes to light.…


Maryland Court Overturns Conviction Based on Error During Voir Dire (Jury Questioning)

Voir dire, the process by which prospective jurors are questioned and examined to determine whether grounds for disqualification exist, is a significant part of any jury trial. Most states, like Maryland, have rules that govern this phase of a criminal trial in order to ensure that a fair and impartial…


Maryland Court Ruled Defendant Received Ineffective Assistance of Counsel in Child Abuse Case

A criminal arrest is a serious matter. Whether the underlying alleged crime is a felony or a misdemeanor, the consequences of a conviction can negatively affect a person’s life in many ways, including potential jail time and a lasting criminal record. There are many defenses one may be able to assert, depending…


Maryland Court Reviews Sufficiency of Evidence in Burglary Conviction

Evidence is clearly a key component of any criminal case. The state and the party charged seek to prove or disprove certain facts through the use of two types of evidence: direct and circumstantial. It is commonly understood that direct evidence can prove a fact by itself, such as eyewitness…


New Maryland Laws Affecting Criminal Cases Went into Effect October 1st

Laws affecting criminal cases are continuously evolving, granting (and in some cases, limiting) certain rights. Some of these laws are intended to provide a person who has been convicted of a crime with rights they formerly did not have. The importance of staying abreast of the most current changes in the criminal…


Maryland Court Reverses Criminal Conviction for Failure to Ask Requested “Voir Dire” Question

In any criminal trial, the makeup of the jury is a critical component of a fair proceeding. Voir dire is the process by which trial attorneys have an opportunity to select or reject potential jurors. There are many rules associated with this process, the outcome of which can have a dramatic…


Maryland’s Highest Court Disallows State’s Amendment of “Charging Document”

Criminal charges fall within two commonly known and distinct categories:  misdemeanors and felonies. Misdemeanors generally include less serious offenses and carry a less severe sentence than felonies. Despite the differences, both types of criminal charges are serious matters to be addressed as soon as a person is arrested. Keep in…


Maryland Court Upholds Legality of Vehicle Search During DUI Arrest

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is far too common in Maryland and throughout the entire country. According to statistics provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an estimated 1.5 million people are arrested for DUI in a given year. To put it another way, one out…


Highest Court in Maryland Denies Suppression of Cell Phone Data

The quality of the evidence and the manner in which it is obtained are the two critical components of any criminal case. For instance, every citizen is entitled to the Fourth Amendment protections from an illegal search and seizure. A person who is arrested or charged with a crime must look…

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