Criminal law in Maryland allows the state to punish people convicted of crimes in several ways, including incarceration, fines, and restitution. Just like all other aspects of criminal law and punishment, there are rules about when and how the state can order restitution. If those rules aren’t followed, the restitution…
Maryland Criminal & Immigration Lawyer Blog
How a Change in Criminal Law May Favorably Alter the Status of Your Deportation or Removal Case
The laws that impact your immigration status are sometimes a complex web traversing multiple areas of law. So, you may wonder, what happens if a criminal statute is amended and that change alters the status of my deportation case? Potentially, that kind of change may be a crucial event in…
4th Quarter Tech Layoffs Force Many H-1B Workers to Seek Out Alternative Employment (or Alternate Visa Options)
As many people in the tech industry can attest, 2022 has been a down year, with many tech employers slashing payroll. Losing one’s job in a round of layoffs is traumatizing for most workers, but it is especially so if you’re a non-citizen who’s here on a temporary work visa.…
What You Can Do If You Gave the Police Consent to Perform a Search (and You Arguably Shouldn’t Have)
Sometimes, in interacting with law enforcement, you may make mistakes. Maybe you said something you shouldn’t have. Maybe you gave the police consent to search when you should’ve declined. Be aware that, even if you made a tactically less-than-ideal choice, there often are still ways to mitigate the damage and…
Green Cards, Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) Status, and the USCIS’s Enforcement of the 21st Birthday Deadline
Immigration law, like most areas of the law, has certain hard-and-fast deadlines. For example, the age cut-off for obtaining Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) status, which is one potential basis for obtaining a green card, is the applicant’s 21st birthday. Sometimes, an applicant may be pushed to the brink of that…
Suspicious Bulges, Unusual Walking Gaits, and What Does (or Does Not) Qualify as Reasonable Suspicion in Maryland
Courts, as well as the legal community, are keenly aware of the challenging job that police officers have, Officers daily make split-second decisions while seeking to keep the neighborhoods they serve safe. They also, however, are charged with “respecting the dignity and Constitutional rights of persons they confront.” Sometimes, even…
USCIS Announces a Crucial Change to the Extension Period for Permanent Residents Who Applied for Green Card Renewals
For many immigrants, obtaining their green card likely included significant time, a substantial amount of money, and a lot of paperwork. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that simply obtaining a green card often isn’t the final chapter in your immigration journey. If you decide to remain in the…
Presenting a Strong Defense in Your Maryland Sex Crime Case Centering Around Issues of Consent
For many people, “let’s meet up for a drink” is a frequent first-date proposal. Mixing alcohol and dating may be common but also presents risks, particularly when it comes to sexual contact and disputes regarding consent. If you find yourself facing charges for something that was actually a consensual sexual…
When Threats of Persecution or Torture May Impact Your Deportation Defense in Maryland
Countless numbers of people enter this country — some illegally — to escape persecution, torture, and possible death in the country they left behind. For those people, the option may exist to defeat a removal order and remain in this country if they can credibly establish that the threat exists…
When You Should — and Probably Shouldn’t — Answer a Doctor, Nurse, or EMT’s Questions About Your Maryland Criminal Case in the Presence of a Law Enforcement Officer
Sometimes, law enforcement officers engage in clever maneuvers to get suspects to talk and provide information that incriminates them. There are certain ways to avoid falling into these traps. One is to make sure that you avoid making a statement to — or in the presence of — an officer…